
Fundamental idea behind the Humane AI pin?

2023-11-11 22:18:12
Fundamental idea behind the Humane AI pin?

Humane, founded by the duo Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, envisions a future beyond smartphones with its innovative AI pin. This device, priced at $699 with a $20 monthly subscription, aims to seamlessly integrate into users' lives, offering the functionalities of a smartphone without a traditional screen. The creators intend to address concerns about excessive screen time, positioning their product as a healthier alternative.

The AI pin utilizes a tiny laser projector to display information on the user's palm, functioning as a virtual assistant, communication device, and multi-functional tool. Tied to a variant of T-Mobile's network, it enables calls through projected information on the hand, eliminating the need for a traditional screen interface.

humane ai pin

Revolutionizing Personal Tech: The Humane AI Pin


Discover the innovative concept driving the Humane AI pin, as envisioned by its creators Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno. Their goal is to usher in a post-smartphone era, aiming to reconnect users with the real world while advancing the ways computing enhances our lives.

Features and Design:

The Humane AI pin, devoid of a screen, utilizes a tiny laser projector to superimpose information onto the palm of your hand. It serves as a virtual assistant, communication device, and an all-in-one AI-powered Swiss Army knife, designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily life.

Communication Beyond Screens:

Despite lacking a traditional screen, the AI pin connects to a variant of T-Mobile's network, enabling users to make and receive calls by projecting call information onto their palm. This unconventional approach has sparked discussions about whether it's an expensive screen-less phone alternative.

Experiences Over Apps:

Humane emphasizes a departure from the app-centric paradigm, introducing "Experiences." Activated through voice commands, these features, including information lookup and music playback, aim to redefine how users interact with technology.

Voice-Activated Personal Assistant:

Similar to Siri or Alexa, the AI pin encourages users to ask questions, leveraging its camera to identify and provide information about objects in the user's surroundings.

"Catch Me Up" Feature:

Humane introduces a unique feature called "catch me up," offering a quick rundown of important emails, adding a layer of convenience to managing digital communications.

Enhanced Convenience:

The pin's memory and search capabilities streamline daily tasks, demonstrated in the video where it quickly retrieves an access code buried deep in the message history.

With an extensive data catalog, Humane introduces the, a web portal where users can access and potentially control the data recorded by the AI pin. Limited details are currently available, with expectations for more information in the future.

Privacy Concerns:

While the AI pin presents intriguing possibilities, questions about privacy and cybersecurity remain. The device features a "Trust Light" indicating when the mic, camera, or sensors are in use, but detailed information on data protection is yet to be fully disclosed.

Availability and Pricing:

The AI pin is set to be available for order starting November 16, with a price tag of $699 and an additional $20 monthly subscription fee, covering the "complete system," including the pin, charge pad, case, cable, adapter, and an extra battery booster.


As the tech community awaits more in-depth information, the Humane AI pin stands out for its bold attempt to redefine personal tech. The jury is still out on whether it will truly lead us into a post-phone future, but its unique features and potential impact on our smartphone-centric lives make it a product worth keeping an eye on.