
Windows 12 launch date is yet to be announced by Microsoft

2023-10-16 11:40:42
Windows 12 launch date is yet to be announced by Microsoft

Recent leaks suggest that Microsoft may be gearing up for the release of Windows 12, the anticipated successor to Windows 11. While the tech giant has yet to confirm any details about this new desktop operating system, the potential launch has generated considerable excitement among users.

Windows 11 made its debut in October 2021, introducing a host of visual enhancements such as revamped taskbars, Windows Explorer, and the integration of widgets. With this in mind, the prospect of Windows 12 promises to deliver another significant overhaul, potentially setting a new standard for user interface and functionality.

When will Windows 12 be released?

A transcript from the Citi 2023 Global Technology Conference has revealed a potential slip-up by Intel CFO David Zinsner. In the conversation, Zinsner hinted at a promising year ahead for client devices, alluding to the forthcoming Windows refresh. "We actually think '24 is going to be a pretty good year for client, in particular, because of the Windows refresh," Zinsner remarked. This statement strongly implies that a major Windows release is on the horizon.

Zinsner further emphasized the need for a refresh, pointing out that a significant portion of the user base is operating on older systems. He suggested that the catalyst for this refresh could be the introduction of Windows 12. "And we still think that the installed base is pretty old and does require a refresh and we think next year maybe the start of that, given the Windows catalyst. So, we're optimistic about how things will play out beginning in '24," Zinsner explained in response to a query regarding Intel's market share gains.


It's important to note that while leaks and speculations are generating buzz, Microsoft has not yet made any official statements regarding Windows 12. As of now, the details remain shrouded in secrecy, leaving users eagerly awaiting any official announcements from the tech giant.


In the meantime, users can anticipate a potential wave of updates and patches for the existing Windows operating systems, as is customary for Microsoft. These incremental improvements will likely pave the way for a seamless transition to the highly anticipated Windows 12, which could potentially revolutionize the computing experience once again.